[s-cars] Speeding ticket technicality

Rich Assarabowski konecc at snet.net
Thu Apr 8 22:33:02 EDT 2004

I paid it off.  Vermont does not report moving violations to the CT Dept
of Motor Vehicles.  They did tell me at the Vermont DMV (over the phone)
that insurance companies do a nationwide search at renewal time so my
insurance company would find out about the ticket.  An agent at my
insurance company said they only look at tickets on record at my state's
DMV.  I'm not sure if anyone really knows what they're talking about
anyway.  Considering it's my first ticket in several years and that
maybe the insurance company won't even be checking my record at renewal
time, I paid it.  I do admit I've been watching my speed a lot more
since then.

-- Rich


Any update on your ticket right?

just curious

--- Rich Assarabowski <konecc at snet.net> wrote:
> I got pulled over this past Friday in Vermont for speeding on Rt. 103 
> in Cavendish (near Ludlow).  The officer clocked me at 65 in a 50 with
> "moving radar".  I had just come around a corner and quickly slowed
> down
> for traffic at a railroad crossing, he was in the opposite lane and
> immediately flashed his lights, made a U-turn and pulled me over.  He
> said he clocked me before I slowed down for the traffic.  
> Looking at the ticket when I got home, I see there are two errors -- 
> the date is 3/11 when it was actually 3/12, the "Place or landmark" is
> written as "Green Mountain Produce" when in fact it was "Black River
> Produce" (close, but no cigar!).  Ticket was $125 (ouch!).  I'm not
> if
> I'll get points in Connecticut, if so, that would really hurt.
> Is there any chance that if I go to court the ticket will be dismissed
> on a technicality?  It's a long way to White River Junction to the
> court
> house from here...
> -- Rich A.

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