[s-cars] Split Exhaust system

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 9 13:13:47 EDT 2004

Trevor meant 12.2, which is what that red S6 did,
can't remember his trap speed, though.

Yes, the Stromung is a bit at h sometimes, but sometimes
that extra half inch comes in handy.


--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Trevor-
> That 11.2 car, is it located in CA or on the East
> Coast?
> I recall seeing a red S6 at Waterfest that had
> something like
> a 12.0 or 11.99s quarter mile timeslip, I thought
> that was
> impressive!
> Isn't clearance a major issue with systems bigger
> than 3"?
> I've definitely lost ground clearance with the
> Stromung.
> Taka
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