[s-cars] New Lurker

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Tue Apr 13 14:21:34 EDT 2004

As my company is in the midst of moving and undertaking some big
undertakings;) I am gonna slither into lurk status for a bit, if I'm not
there already.  Where O where have my priorities run a muk?
In the meantime the avant pig had no troubles whatsoever parked in my
garage while I was out in LA for 10 days and now that I'm getting some
serious daily mileage.. (sans slip a bit clutch/automatic acceleration
governor) the thing really does in fact run great.  I mean great!
Goodyear F1 tires are five stars and if I ever get a break from "family
fun," I'll get that fmic installed (or the clutch fixed again;)
Bill m
95 1/2 Avant  
75 Carrera ~ almost out of storage:)

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