[s-cars] Light/Sunroof control Pannel dropping

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 19 22:06:54 EDT 2004

I am having trouble visualizing what part is loose.

But for plastics, clear silicone caulk might work well.


--- ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> One of the dodads(clips in front) on the panel for my sun roof
> control the interior light has come off and I am having trouble
> superglueing it back on...Does anyone have a workable solution or a
> line on the proper adhesive any suggestion would be helpful.
> Thank You,
> Shawn Olsen
> 95 S6 MTM
> 91 200q20v avant
> 96 A4 2.8q
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