[s-cars] Camshaft torque specs

Darin Nederhoff editor at s-cars.org
Tue Apr 20 15:55:58 EDT 2004

> Hi guys,
> I'm at work and away from my Bentley and I have a friend asking for our
> camshaft torque specs.  Can somebody look that up for me real quick?  I
> think there is a torquing order as well.


1.  Align arrows to be level with the head of course.
2.  All recesses on corners of bearing caps point toward intake side.
3.  Intake cam:  tighten bearing caps 6, 8 ,10 alternately in diagonal sequence.  15 Nm (11 ft lb)
4.  Install remaining intake cam caps to 11 ft lb
5.  Exhaust cam:  Tighten bearing caps 1,3,5 alternately in diagonal sequence.  Also 11 ft lb.
6.  Install remaining exhaustcam caps to 11 ft lb
7.  Replace cam oil seals
8. Install cam sprocket and tighten (65 Nm / 48 ft lb)
9.  Don't start the engine for 30 mins if new lifters have been installed.  Crank twice by hand first.

Hope this helps,

Woodbury, MN

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