Subject: [s-cars] sLippery slope poll -

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at
Wed Apr 21 12:40:54 EDT 2004


I plan on keeping this car and driving the wheels off of it!

In fact, because I own two 1993 S4's, I am under the belief that sooner
or later some outside force will probably impact one of the cars and
total it out. With this  in mind I have given serious thought to
acquiring a 91 coupe to transplant the drivetrain when it happens. Of
course I need to find a good deal on said coupe.

Brakes, yup those are next on the list, as is suspension.
There are no other repairs needed at this point, had a new serpentine
belt, timing belt, belt tensioner, and water pump replaced last year.

Anything I should be thinking about?

One big problem is the wife....after I do this upgrade to my car she is
going to demand it for her's. I am married to a woman who loves her S4
and loves to accelerate! Her favorite hobby is thrashing Hondas!



--- Tom Green <trgreen at> wrote:
> > Chris chambers ponders:
> > My 93 S4 has over 212,000 miles on it, but has always been
> reliable.
> >
> > I am thinking about going down the slippery slope (a bit), and go
> the
> > RS2 upgrade route. I am wanting to make an informed decision
> onthis, by
> > replacing the Exhaust manifold, injectors, MAF, Turbo etc. Will I
> be
> > placing too much strain on the rest of the engine?
> >
> > I have repeatedly read that the engine is extremely durable, and I
> do
> > not drive it softly. Is there any concerns about doing this upgrade
> due
> > to the number of miles on the car?
> >
> > Thanks for your input
> > Chris
> I doubt that these upgrades will have much effect on the engine 
> longevity.  Driving style changes may, or the increased performance
> may 
> demand corresponding upgrades in suspension and brakes.    I would 
> think the issues would be are you going to keep the car long enough
> to 
> justify the upgrade, and if so, what maintenance do you anticipate
> for 
> the engine that you might want to do while the manifold is off ?  And
> then just concentrate on all the money you are "saving" by combining 
> the jobs.
> Tom '95 S6
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