[s-cars] Whose chip?

FvAMI at aol.com FvAMI at aol.com
Wed Apr 21 22:01:33 EDT 2004

In a message dated 4/21/04 6:02:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tmullane at snet.net writes:

> Guys,
> My car is chipped, but I'm not sure what chip I am running.  Does this ring
> a bell with anyone?
> Chip on lower board:
>     LDR  S6
>     270PS  3.0            9B55
>     78.06.98
> Chip on upper board:
>     M07   S6  Vey(?)
>     270PS  3.0            35EA
>     78.06.98
> The "7"'s in both last lines and the top line of the upper chip could be
> "1"'s.  They are not crossed like the other sevens.  The "vey" on the upper
> chip is in cursive and could be something else.  The transducer is 3 bar.
> Tom

MTM Stage 1+ . Done in 1998.

Checksum on boost chip is similar to the latest (2002)

Checksum on the Ignition is different (35EA) - Is the second chip on a 
daughter card or plugged directly into the ECU socket? 

Best regards,
Feico van der Laan

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