[s-cars] leaking coolant

The Gagnons bullitt at gwi.net
Thu Apr 22 20:05:04 EDT 2004

I have extensive experience in leaking S4's!

I have a pair and both have 185-190k.  I have found that both vehicles
developed a leak in the after run coolant pump at around 185k.  Both leaked
out of the heater hose goose neck at the rear of the head at about 170k.
One of the cars leaked from the coolant manifold under the intake (that one
was hard to find).  I have always been able to pin down the location of a
major leak by looking for wet spots beneath the car and tracing the water
upward after it sits after a good hot run.  Minor leaks require a dye test.

Good Luck!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Kevin Campbell
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:12 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] leaking coolant
> S-car Gruppies,
> I sustained a coolant leak sometime yesterday and have yet to
> track it down.  The coolant leak indicator clued me into it.  I
> only need drive several miles before it comes on.  When I go to
> check the coolant tank it is always about ¾ empty (I imagine this
> is where the sensor is.)  Then I refill.
> Anyway, I see no detectable leak under the car.  Should I check
> for the leak while the car is hot and running?  Are there any
> common leak areas like the coolant bottle or the hoses running to
> the bottle?  I don't have a compression tester either.  I need to
> go to Tahoe tomorrow.  I don't want to fill the trunk with
> bottles of anti-freeze for the trip (I've convinced my wife I
> drive a "fine" automobile).
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Kevin
> 94 S4
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