[s-cars] Remove anti-sway bar

Paul Heneghan paul.heneghan at bbc.co.uk
Wed Apr 28 04:23:27 EDT 2004

I'd like to add my contribution in here.

JJM & DJD are both correct, BUT, the last time I did this on a 1995 UK
spec S6 on the left-hand side, when I unbolted the inner end of the 1/2
shaft, there wasn't really enough room to lift it up and swing it
backwards - there were to many engine/transmission components in the
way.  I got it out by pushing really hard, but it was extremely
difficult to get it back in - I needed another 10mm of clearance so the
other end of the 1/2 shaft could clear the bearing housing.  I'm looking
down at my knuckles now trying to remember which of my scars scar I got
from that little episode - I remember there being lots of blood!

Somebody emailed me afterwards and said I could have got an extra bit of
clearance by removing something - I can't remember what - the reversing
light switch perhaps?

Maybe the right-hand side is easier?  Although, you'll have the exhaust
in the way.

Good luck.  Report back to the list on your experiences.


-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 18:47:06 EDT
From: Djdawson2 at aol.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Remove anti-sway bar
To: jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com, s-car-list at audifans.com
Message-ID: <1ab.236abfc3.2dc03cea at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

>>In a message dated 4/27/04 9:36:47 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 
>>jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com writes:
>>Hi all,
>>I seem to see multiple posts about the complexity of
>>removing the 1/2 shafts.  I think many of you are
>>making this far more difficult than it has to be. 
>>I've done this several times now - nothing is required
>>other than unbolting it from the tranny and removing
>>the axle bolt.  Once it's unbolted the end that bolts
>>onto the tranny can be lifted up and swung backwards -
>>towards the fire wall - then it just slides out of the
>>strut assembly.  No need to touch the sway bar or
>>tierod ends.
>>Hope this is helpful.
>>I'm planning a right wheel bearing and cv boot in the
>>near future and will provide photo's for the
>That's exactly what I meant in my post, even if it didn't come across
>way.  Turning the steering wheel full lock makes it even easier.
>Dave in CO


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