[s-cars] ACCNA thinking of joining with Lamborghini club

yumyjagermiester at hvc.rr.com yumyjagermiester at hvc.rr.com
Wed Apr 28 11:22:10 EDT 2004

"Paul K." wrote-
> Otherwise, can't deny the cross pollination process, it's only 
> inevitable.

Could this "cross pollination process" have been put in place by Audi Ag or it's parent company? It may seem like a conspiracy theory, but Audi does contribute a lot of funding to the ACCNA. Who knows?

Paul also wrote-
>They could still keep the marques separately covered where need be,
> and then allow for occasional co-gatherings, etc.

I'd be all up for a grouping of all the brands under the VW AG umbrella into one large club that had subsections, with each brand having their own, separate club, witch the ACCNA being a member of. Heck, that would be great for getting certain causes and legislation that we are ALL for, like the revoking of the mandatory front license plate law in some states, and other laws that we could all appreciate ;-) another being the KEEP RIGHT TO PASS law, with heavy fines to offenders.

All of this is in my opinion, if you disagree, please make it vocal, this list has been very slow lately ;-) I always love a good, friendly argument.

Paul then wrote-
>And, 'never' own a Lambo?  Come on, there's got to be ONE that'd tickle your
>fancy Emre?  Guess the Miura's not worthy (be damned if they caught fire or
>were a beoch to stay tuned!)??? 8-)

My *audiction* started early in age, with the VW Scirocco 16v as my first dream car. When I was 17 and looking for my first car, all the Scirocco   localy were ratty examples. I then found a Coupe GT for sale right in my town, the 4 Ringed adventure started all from there. I have owned a total of 4 differently Audis, and only Audis. I could see my self getting a VW and dream of getting a Porsche, but no, never a Lambo.

Audi snob.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)" <WQQ2PXK at ups.com>
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:53 am
Subject: RE: [s-cars] ACCNA thinking of joining with Lamborghini club

> "Bob DG" retorted Emre-
> <<<Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 19:26:31 -0600
> From: "Bob DG" <bobs6 at msn.com>
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] ACCNA thinking of joining with Lamborghini club
> The Le Mans is based on the Gallardo. No different than the VW 
> guys hanging 
> out with the Audi guys... Enthusiasts are enthusiasts in my book.
> >From: "yumyjagermiester" <yumyjagermiester at hvc.rr.com>
> >To: <Elijahallen92 at aol.com>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> >I'd cancel my membership.
> >Emre
> >2 Audis - Will never own a Lambo, even when/if, financially 
> possible.>>>
> Agreed, "BOB"...  unless of course they drive ///M Coupes, then 
> all bets are
> off.  
> Otherwise, can't deny the cross pollination process, it's only 
> inevitable.They could still keep the marques separately covered 
> where need be, and then
> allow for occasional co-gatherings, etc.  
> And, 'never' own a Lambo?  Come on, there's got to be ONE that'd 
> tickle your
> fancy Emre?  Guess the Miura's not worthy (be damned if they 
> caught fire or
> were a beoch to stay tuned!)??? 8-)
> -P off soapbox and encouraging broad enthusiasm K.
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