[s-cars] Fuel Pump Relay instructions (Long) Beta Version

Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net
Tue Aug 3 21:52:02 EDT 2004

Wow Dave, that's some write up! Good job!

Sean, aka quattro20v

> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Dave Forgie
> Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 9:31 AM
> To: s-cars
> Subject: [s-cars] Fuel Pump Relay instructions (Long) Beta Version
> Comments and Corrections welcomed.  Some minor criticisms 
> (sp?) tolerated.  Alpha version will have photos and be a 
> pdf.  To be mounted at ??? Charlie?  Jimmy??
> Adding a Relayed Power Connection to an UrS car (92-97) Fuel 
> Pump (Beta version - Aug 2/04) Dave Forgie (UrS4boy) and Sean 
> Douglas (quattro20v)
> Background (Interesting or boring, depending on your need for
> information)
> As opposed to some VAG products with two stage fuel pumps 
> (transfer and high pressure), the UrS car has a single stage 
> high pressure fuel pump located in the fuel tank.  As 
> provided by the factory, this pump receives power via a 
> circuitous route: Power from the battery (under the rear 
> seat) is fed forward to the central relay  panel under the 
> steering column.  Turning the ignition on and starting the 
> engine energizes relay No. 6 in that panel.  This sends power 
> from the relay via a green wire to Fuse No. 17, a 15 amp 
> fuse, in the panel on the left end of the dash.  From there 
> power goes all the way back to the fuel pump in the trunk by 
> the ski sack in a yellow striped green wire.  Based on that 
> route, the car started and 13.5 V or so at the battery, the 
> voltage at the fuel pump is about 12.4 to 12.5 V, i.e. a loss 
> of over one volt. This may not seem important but because the 
> speed of the pump is related to the voltage, the fuel flow 
> and pressure are also related to the voltage at the pump.
> While testing the fuel pump voltage while driving (via a 
> tee-connection, 6 ft of wire, the zippered hole in the ski 
> sack, appropriate spade connectors and a digital multimeter), 
> I noted that voltage to the pump dropped (e.g. to 12.2 V)  
> while driving and specifically even more so (down to 11.82 V) 
> under wide open throttle (WOT).  Sean some static testing of 
> the fuel pressures under simulated boost (small compressor 
> connected to the fuel pump regulator vacuum/boost port).  He 
> found that, with the engine off,  at 11.75 volts (via a 
> switched cable from the + post in the engine bay to the right 
> side of Fuse 17), the boost/fuel pressures were as follows: 
> 0/57,10/65,20/72, 28/80.  However, since we are running RS2 
> turbos and injectors and a new OEM 4.0 Bar (58 psig) fuel 
> pressure regulator, the software wants more from the fuel 
> pump, e.g.  0/58,10/68, 20/78, 28/86. So, since we were 
> potentially down up to 6 psi of fuel pressure,  it was clear 
> that at least there was a possibility that the pinging we 
> were experiencing under WOT was potentially related to low 
> fuel pressures resulting from low voltage at the fuel pump.
> To test this more, with the engine off,  Sean connected his 
> switched static power lead directly to the battery and tested 
> the simulated boost-controlled fuel pressures again.  This 
> resulted in 12.4 V to the fuel pump and boost/fuel pressures 
> of 0/57, 10/65, 20/75 and 28/83.  The point is that at the 
> higher simulated boost pressures (20 and 28 psig ), the 
> increased voltage (from 11.75 to 12.4 V) yielded an increase 
> 3 psi. Although this was still 3 psi short of the required 78 
> and 86 psig, respectively, it showed the potential that 
> directly relaying the fuel pump to the battery would help us 
> to "turbo charge" the fuel pump and get more flow and/or 
> pressure.  (NOTE: Dave Forgie talked to a technical rep at 
> Bosch USA who said that low voltages are worse than higher 
> voltages and that the fuel pump could handle up to 16 VDC so 
> the regulated 13.5 V from an alternator should be "no problem").
> Based on the above, we (Sean and I) decided to find a way to 
> directly relay the fuel pumps to the battery.  As it turned 
> out, it was relatively easy and quite cheap to do so.  The 
> results as you will see were quite worth the bother (in our opinion).
> The Install
> Before you can start an install like this, you need to 
> understand how a relay works: A relay contains a solenoid 
> (electromagnetic and armature) and contact points that are 
> moved by the solenoid.  There are typically four pins: two 
> for a low current "trigger" signal (switched power and a 
> ground), a high current line in and a high current line out.  
> When the solenoidt is energized by the switched low current 
> "trigger" signal, it pulls the closed which allows high 
> current to flow from the power source to the point of power 
> consumption.  The trigger signal in this case is the yellow 
> striped green wire that runs from Fuse 17 to the fuel pump 
> (along with a brown ground from some source).  The power 
> source will be a connection to the battery and the point of 
> consumption is the fuel pump.
> Parts List:
> 1 four pin 30 Amp  relay, e.g. Bosch (relay holder and assorted pins
> optional)
> 8 ft of 14 or 12 gauge red wire (color is not critical but 
> helpful) 8 ft of 14 or 12 gauge brown wire (for the new fuel 
> pump ground) 8 ft of 18 or 22 gauge green wire (to extend the 
> trigger signal switched
> wire)
> 8 ft of 18 or 22 gauge brown wire (to extend the trigger 
> signal ground) 2, 1/4" insulated (covered) female spade 
> connectors for 18 to 22 gauge wire 2, 1/4" insulated 
> (covered) female spade connectors for 14 to 12  gauge wire 2, 
> round terminal connectors, 1/4" hole, for 14 to 12 gauge wire 
> 2, butt connectors, step down (22/18 to 14/16 gauge) (or 
> soldering iron, solder  and heat shrink) 1, heavy duty fuse 
> holder complete with two 6" pig tails (12 or 14
> gauge)
> 1, 15 amp fuse for the fuse holder
> 6 feet of black corrugaged plastic wire loom (cover)
> 1 small plastic empty clean  margarin tub c/w cover. 
> electricians tape a sharp knife or box cutter wire cutters 
> and strippers "W"-style connector crimpers. A straightened 
> coat hanger Alternative 1: 2 butt connectors for 18 to 22 
> gauge wire Alternative 2: 2, plastic "T" taps for 18 to 22 gauge wire
> The Procedure
> NOTE: We take no responsibility whatsoever for any damage 
> that may or may not result from following this procedure 
> either while performing the procedure or after its 
> completion.  If you do not have the confidence or skills to 
> perform this procedure successfully and safely, then either 
> do not attempt it or have a professional mechanic complete 
> it. Before you start, read this all the way through to 
> familiarize yourself with what you are going to be doing.  
> Also note that there are two alternatives to the trigger wire layout.
> 1.  Remove the rear seat bottom by removing the two large 
> black Philips (x head) screws (and washers) from the front of 
> the seat bottom.  Store these screws in the margarin tub. 2.  
> Inspect your battery.  There should be plastic safety cover over the
> + terminal.  If there is no cover, find one and install it before you
> complete finish this procedure.  There should also be a clear 
> plastic drain hose from the battery cap down to a rubber 
> gromet in the floor. If this drain hose is missing then find 
> one and install it before you complete the procedure. 3. 
> Making sure that you have your car properly secured (in gear, 
> emergency brake on, etc) AND you have the radio code, loosen 
> the battery
> + terminal bolt and remove the + battery cable from the terminal.  If
> the terminal is corroded, clean up the corrosion, e.g. with 
> baking soda and a small amount of water and lots of cloths 
> and/or paper towels (place the discarded cloths and/or towels 
> in a plastic garbage bag, not in your car). 4.  Loose the 
> seat back by removing the two large shiny Philips (x head) 
> screws (one on each side about the middle of the two outer passenger
> positions).   Store these screws with the other seat screws in the
> margarin tub.
> 5.  Open the trunk.  Remove all the clutter that may be there 
> and place it in a safe place out of your immediate work area. 
> (You don't want to trip on it). You should be looking at only 
> grey carpet.  Its like a clean desk.  You probably only get 
> to see it once and a while. 6. Remove the carpet piece on the 
> "hump" by pulling back the floor carpet at the corners and 
> removing the two black quarter-sized discs (one at each side) 
>  and then remove  the two discs at either side of the hump. 
> Place all four discs in the margarin tub.  Note how the 
> carpet hooks over the threaded pins and then pull the hump 
> piece off the pins and out of the car.  Place in a safe 
> place.  Back at the car, you should be able to see a round 
> flat black cover on the hump just to the right of the ski 
> sack.  This is the fuel pump cover plate. 7.  Remove the fuel 
> pump cover plate by removing the three small chrome Philips 
> screws.  Place these screws in the margarin tub.  Gently pull 
> up on the cover.  Note how the factory routed the wires (in 
> the plastic cover sheath). 8. Release the fuel pump wires by 
> leaning or crawling  into the trunk and noting the location 
> and position of the fuel pump wiring plug. Remove the plug by 
> gently prying the brown hook tab on the right side of the 
> wiring plug and then lifting the plug slightly to the left 
> (this should release the left hand hook tab - if it doesn't 
> you'll need to gently pry that tab slightly as well). 9. Pull 
> the plate and plug up away from the fuel pump and into the 
> trunk so you have better access to the wiring. 10.  Near the 
> plug, carefully slit the plastic sheathing (DO NOT TOUCH OR 
> CUT ANY OF THE WIRES)  and open it up about 6 inches so you 
> can see all four wires: a yellow striped green (the fuel pump 
> power), a larger brown (fuel pump ground), a thin purple 
> (fuel gauge sender power) and a thin brown (fuel sender 
> ground). 11. Now the first "scary" part, boys and girls 
> (insert Count Floyd howl here).  You are going to cut the 
> yellow striped green wire and the thicker brown wire, about 
> 2.5" back from the plug.  Do it, do it now. DO NOT CUT THE 
> THIN PURPLE OR BROWN WIRES!! 12. At the long end of each of 
> the cut wires, separately wrap the ends in a small clean 
> piece of electricians tape (NOTE: This is for Alternate 2, 
> for Alternate 1 you will be pulling these wires back). 13. At 
> the short ends, strip the wire cover (being very careful not 
> to cut ANY of the copper wire strands) sufficiently long for 
> either the butt connector you are using or the twist, solder 
> and heat wrap technique you will be using in a few minutes. 
> 14.  Approximately 2 inches outside of the rubber grommet 
> carefully cut a small hole in the plastic sheath - DO NOT CUT 
> 1, pull the yellow striped green wire and the thicker
> brown wire back through this hole in the sheath.   Now, 
> through the hole
> feed your new 14 or power cables through the sheath, towards 
> the fuel pump plug. 16. Strip the appropriate length of wire 
> cover from the ends of these power cables to make the 
> appropriate butt connector or soldered joint.
> 17.  Make the connections to the short plug wires.   The red 
> wire should
> be connected to the yellow striped green wire and the brown 
> wire should be connected to the brown wire.  NOTE: IF you are 
> soldering, practise on some scrap wires until you can get a 
> nice "Chrome" joint.  ALSO, if you are soldering, remember to 
> put your heat shrink tubing over the large wires and well way 
> from the joint BEFORE you join the wires and start soldering. 
>  "D.oh!" is not part of this procedure. 18. If you are a 
> happy with the connections, tuck all the wires in the split 
> plastic sheath and tape the sheath with electricians tape. 
> 19.  If you are doing Alternative 1 for the trigger wires 
> (the ones you pulled back out of the plastic sheath, strip 
> the ends sufficiently for the 22-18 gauge butt connectors, 
> strip the ends of your trigger wire extensions (18 gauge wire 
> in green and brown) and connect green to green/yellow and 
> brown to brown. 19. Place the long ends of the new power 
> cables (and the trigger wire extensions in Alternative 1)  in 
> the black corrugated plastic wire loom, starting at the hole 
> in the OEM plastic sheath.  When you are done, tape the end 
> of the new plastic wire loom to the OEM sheath (at the hole) 
> with electricians tape. 20.  If you have some, place a drop 
> of Stabilant 22A contact enhancer on each of the four female 
> plug connectors and reinstall the plug to the fuel pump. (It 
> only goes on one way - it should go on easily - if not check 
> the internal orientation and try again). Tuck the wire sheath 
> into the same position it was in before you removed it 
> (likely a kind of curl around the pump). 21. Reinstall the 
> fuel pump access plate using the three small chrome Philips 
> screws in the margarin tub. 22. Gently bend the wires in the 
> corrugated plastic cover and instead of heading to the left 
> side of the trunk (like the OEM sheath does), head them to 
> the right side of the trunk, along the bottom edge of the 
> trunk bulkhead. Don't go too far yet. 23. Now go into the 
> back seat area, passenger side and gently pull the bottom 
> corner of the seat back away from the trunk bulk head.  Prop 
> it away using something non-scratching (I used the wiring 
> package). 24.Back in the trunk, tape the long end of the 
> power cables (and trigger wire extensions in Alternative 1) 
> and the plastic sheath to the end of a straightened coat 
> hanger.  About six inches from the right hand side of the 
> hump and trunk bulkhead, there is a gap at the lower edge of  
> the bulkhead.  Shove the taped end of the coat hanger through 
> this gap.  If you have a helper have them grab the end of the 
> coat hanger when it comes through into the passenger 
> compartment. Gentley pull the wires into the back seat area. 
> 25. Remove the tape from the wires and corrugated cover and 
> gently route the wires along the bottom of the trunk bulkhead 
> and through the gap on the trunk side and in the slight 
> depression in the body on the passenger compartment side. 
> Make sure you have enough wire to get to about 6 inches to 
> the centre from the battery. 26.  Replace the hump cover 
> carpet, getting the appropriate bits over the threaded pins 
> and adding the four plastic disc/hold downs from the margarin 
> tub. 27.  If you followed Alternative 1, skip down to Step 
> 29, otherwise, you still need to extend the trigger wires to 
> the relay.  Start by going to the drivers side rear door area 
> of the back seat.  Find the yellow-striped green fuel pump 
> power wire in one of the taped bundles and the brown fuel 
> pump ground in another (smaller bundle). Note the location of 
> these wires in relationship to the plastic wire tray that 
> runs wires towards the battery. 28. With the appropriate 
> color and gauge wires located, open up the two wire bundles 
> and "T" tap the yellow-striped green fuel pump power and 
> brown fuel pump ground and run the new "trigger"  wire 
> extensions (green and brown 18 gauge wires) over to the 
> battery area in the plastic wire tray (Note: The covers on 
> the tray open up so open them and lay the wires in the tray 
> and then close the covers again). 29. Now you are almost 
> there.  Just the final connections and clean up: Play with a 
> position for the final location of the relay.  I chose the 
> about the middle of the battery, attached to the bottom side 
> of the plastic cable tray with a tie-wrap (NOT YET). 30.  
> Make the connections from the trigger wires (either from 
> Alternative 1 or Alternative 2) to the relay using the 
> insulated 22 to 18 gauge 1/4" female spade connectors. Make 
> sure you have the 18 gauge trigger wires and not the 14 gauge 
> power cables. As you do this, trim the length of the wires, 
> if they are too long for the position of the relay.  The 
> completed insulated female connectors should be attached to 
> the male connectors on the low voltage side of the relay. On 
> mine, this was spades  85 and 86. 31. With the new fuse 
> holder empty (no fuse installed), connect the fuse holder to 
> the + battery and terminal 30 on the relay using a ring 
> connector on the battery end and an insulated 12 to 14 gauge  
> 1/4" female spade connector at the relay end.  Without 
> putting a fuse in the fuse holder, put the ring connector 
> under the battery cable bolt nut (take the nut right off, 
> slip on the ring connector and then put the nut
> on) and attach the battery cable to the + battery post again 
> (don't break the post by over torquing the nut).  Attach the 
> other end with the insulated spade connector to pin 30 of the 
> relay. 32. Find a nice comfortable groove for the new power 
> cables in the corrugated  plastic sheath and then pull the 
> corner of the seat back away from the bulkhead. Remove 
> whatever you had proping the seat back away from the 
> bulkhead. 33. Test the lengths of the new red fuel pump power 
> cable to the position of the relay and the brown 14 gauge 
> fuel pump ground cable directly to the negative terminal of 
> the battery.  Trim wire length,  as appropriate.  Leave a bit 
> extra but not too much - the longer the wire, the more the 
> voltage drop. 34. Make a 14 gauge insulated female spade 
> connection on the end of the red power wire and connect to 
> the power out terminal of the relay (87 on the relay I used). 
> 35. Make a 14 gauge ring connection to the end of the 14 
> gauge brown ground wire and attach to the negative terminal 
> of the battery (remove the nut from the bolt, slip the new 
> fuel pump ground over the bolt, add the nut and tighten 
> (being careful not to overtighten). 36.  Add a 15 amp fuse to 
> fuse connector.  Temporarily tape the relay to the side of 
> the plastic cable tray. 37.  Start the engine.  If it doesn't 
> start, you have a problem with one or more of your 
> connections.  Check and tighten connections.  When the car 
> starts and you are happy, stop the car and permanently mount 
> the relay to the underside of the cable tray (I used a nylon 
> tie wrap). 38.  Make sure that the corrugated covered cables 
> avoid touching the battery drain tube.  Reinstall the two 
> shiny Philips seat back screws. Reinstall the seat bottom 
> with the large black Philips screws. 39. Enjoy.
> The end result was the fuel pump sees about 0.27 volts less 
> than the battery at idle (before it was 1.0 V).  Under load 
> (WOT) before where I got 11.82 V, I now get 12.98 V.  Has to 
> help. In our case, the pinging problem seems to have gone 
> away.  We can't guarantee that your results will be the same 
> (hey, they could be better!!)
> Dave F.
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