[s-cars] FMIC- What's it worth to you.

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 20:17:25 EDT 2004

As the subject lines asks, what would a ready to bolt on FMIC kit be
worth to you? What does everyone think a reasonably priced
plug-and-play FMIC kit should cost? There have been a few on AW (evil,
horrible, full of losers with blow-off valves on MAF equipped cars)
who have put together FMIC kits for themselves for less then $1,000,
and now Gary Lewis also seems to have his set up done (without the
cost of the bead roller, this should pay for it's self later
*wink*wink*) should be less then $1,000 as well.

What do you guys think? $1,200-$1,400-$1,600-$1,800-$2,400!?!
92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves to many!

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