[s-cars] RE: BPV - 710N vs. 710G

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Aug 6 15:33:13 EDT 2004

Mike Clair archive hounded:

<<<The spring in the new 710G (if this is indeed a new
Bosch replacement for the 710N) has a MUCH softer

I searched the archives but found no reference to
this.  I did however find this gem I will paste below.
 It was written almost 2 years ago - long before I
ever thought I'd own one of these cars.  Paul outlines
EXACTLY what I'm in the middle doing now, in order. 
Are we all this predictable???  Nice to see I'm in
good company!>>>

Wow.  Time flies, that's nutty.  And so will your car.  Which will be
nuttier.  And then, your bank account.  Which will make your wife / sig.
other nuttier.  Good luck my man, Godspeed...

-Paul further and further down seemingly endless slope K.
'95 //S6...  MPG be damned...  consistently average 16-17k...  Mihnea
Crack-Chip not helping either 8-)

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