[s-cars] RS2 upgrade.... is the MAF needed?

Trevor Frank tfrank at symyx.com
Tue Aug 10 11:17:31 EDT 2004

Chris, I have put the stock MAF and the RS2 maf on the flow bench and
measured the voltage output as it relates to uncorrected flow.
Basically the difference is no the signal at a given flow but more the
backpressure or inches of water.  The stock maf is much more restrictive
so that you will have more "negative pressure" in your intake manifold.
I would suggest that if you decide not to use the RS2 maf you at least
take out the screen on the exit of the maf.  This small difference in
back pressure could make it so that a chip for an RS2 set up will not
work perfectly but it would be easy enough to get one from mihnea that
should work for your set up.

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of chris chambers
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 8:21 PM
To: Scar
Subject: [s-cars] RS2 upgrade.... is the MAF needed?

I have been told by another lister that you don't need the
RS2 maf. Any thoughts, BTDT before?

I don't haev a reason to doubt him, but just want to see what others
have to say.


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