[s-cars] Re: KKK Hybrid Turbo

Lewis, Gary M gary.m.lewis2 at boeing.com
Thu Aug 26 17:08:02 EDT 2004

The old Innovative RS2++ K26 based turbo is probably dead as a product
line.  However:

Innovative has all the parts (from yours truly, a K24 and a K26) and is
considering an RS2++ using a K24 compressor cover, and a next larger
wheel vs. what was used in the original RS2++ K26 compressor cover.
Problem with the K26 compressor cover is the cover breaks over 1/2 the
time when machining, creating real problems for Innovative.  The K24
compressor cover is much more machine able, can actually take a bigger
wheel, and the opening won't need to be cut off and re-welded on.  The
K24 a/r isn't as large as the K26, but looking at Dawson's RS2 dyno vs.
Cody's Innovative RS2++ (with K26 a/r), bigger a/r doesn't seem to be
critical on the KKK 24/26 product line and our beloved 2.2 liter.  

I expect the NEW RS2++ will be in the same price range ($950), but
probably cheaper.  Assuming Innovative does this (they CAN do it, they
aren't sure if they WANT to), expect RS2 type turbo's to be flowing at
less than RS2 prices in October.  I will let everyone know if they
choose to, and will post results from my car as they happen.  My guess
is to keep the prices down they (me?) will arrange turbo's in lots
(group buys) of probably ~10.

My goal is to provide all the RS2 wannabe's with a fast (turnaround
wise), inexpensive, total bolt-on, and possibly better solution to the
factory RS2 turbo.  I have no financial affiliation with Innovative.
This is a hobby.

Gary Lewis

1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold, RS2
Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold side (Audi Works
'999' P/N, RS2 Comp) with 50mm intake and custom Innovative Turbo
compressor wheel), TurboXS Type 25 Bypass Valve, Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big
Reds, Spec II Clutch.

-----Original Message-----
From: chris chambers [mailto:fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:40 AM
To: JR; Scar
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Re: KKK Hybrid Turbo


I posted that update, they hadn't determined what the cost might be
raised to but at that time were thinking $1050 - 1100.



--- JR <urs4 at magnaspeed.net> wrote:

> I thought I remembered an email back a couple of months that said
> Innovative has suspended making your "Innovative KKK RS2++" and was 
> re-evaluating the cost. I wonder what is costing these days. Anyone
> know?
> JR
> Lewis, Gary M wrote:
> >Some additional comments from me:
> >
> >Cody Payne's Innovative RS2++ turbo vs. Dave Dawson's RS2 stock
> turbo
> >Dyno.
> > 
> >I just looked at the two dyno runs.  Other than the ~20 ft lbs tq
> more
> >the RS2 put out, the graphs are nearly identical, lower and upper.
> I
> >doubt one could tell the difference between the cars when driving, 
> >perhaps the RS2 is snappier.  Interesting.
> > 
> >This is actually telling in that when it comes to turbos on an RS2
> setup
> >car, cheaper is better.  In other words, get a #6 and a 50 trim (or 
> >super 50??), or an Innovative KKK RS2++ BEFORE you get a stock RS2 
> >because they are cheaper, and perform about the same.  Speculative 
> >comments, but I'm starting to lean this way.  I think a K24
> compressor
> >housing on my turbo should lower boost thresholds, but I need to put
> it
> >in the car to really be sure...
> > 
> >Ciao,
> > 
> >Gary Lewis
> >
> >1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold, RS2 
> >Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold side (Audi
> Works
> >'999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom Innovative Turbo compressor 
> >wheel), TurboXS Type 25 Bypass Valve, Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds,
> Spec
> >II Clutch.
> >
> >
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