[s-cars] Test drive '93 S4

alexander witham alexander_witham at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 30 14:32:08 EDT 2004

Hi Greg,

It sounds to me like it's the beginning of a
transmission problem. Having owned 2 S-cars, one of
which being a '92 that I bought at 97000 miles with
the exact same noise, I can attest to the fact that
the noise you heard is almost certainly a bad bearing
in the transmission. This is common with early UrS4's
and I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this
previously in the forum. It will gradually get worse
and eventually can/will lead to transmission failure.
However, with proper heal and toe down shifts it will
likely last as long as you wish to keep the car.
Having spoken to several Audi technicians about this
problem they informed me that there's really no
telling how long the tranny will last, but again that
with proper care it can last as long as you desire. I
drove my car until it had 126000 miles on the odometer
before I decided to replace the transmission. The
noise got only marginally worse over the mileage and I
only ever heard it on those occasions when I would
screw up the heel/toe down shifts and even then it
wasn't every time. The only reason I put a new tranny
in was that I was giving the car to my little brother
and he doesn't know how to heel and toe nor does he
have the inclination to learn. Frankly I was afraid
that in the course of learning he might do serious
damage to the transmission which would not only lead
to transmission failure, but also clutch and flywheel
damage. Since I got the used transmission from a '94
(problem fixed by then) at a great price and know
people who could put in in cheap it made sense. 
It may be the throw out bearing on the clutch, but
given the way you describe it, I would be surprised. 
Good luck.


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