[s-cars] importing problem

Mark Strangways Strangconst at rogers.com
Sat Dec 4 10:45:45 EST 2004

While not LEGAL in any sense of the word...
Cut out the old VIN plate, buy a wrecked car with valid title swap the VIN 
plates and drive your new car home.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Elijahallen92 at aol.com>
To: <cdniederst at comcast.net>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] importing problem

> In a message dated 12/4/2004 9:37:48 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> cdniederst at comcast.net writes:
> If I  remember correctly, some of the very early US-spec '90 CQ's were not
> equipped with an airbag. Is the problem simply because it is a '91? There 
> is
> little difference between the '90 and '91 models (glass sunroof comes  to
> mind), so this combined with the fact there were some '90's without the
> airbag makes no sense why it is not importable.
> Craig
> '92 100S  (116k)
> Craig,
> If the build date is later than 8/89 the car must have Passive  restraint
> system (airbag). Before 8/89 cars are fine without airbag. This  sucks,
> Elijah
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