[s-cars] Great, one more thing to worry about - where to park.

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 13:40:16 EST 2004

I always park within view of any security cameras. Having my car under
video surveillance at the sacrifice of parking closer to the general
public and door dings is, in my opinion, a lesser risk then having
someone breaking into it or smash into it and having no proof of it.

My short story and reason for doing this:
Lat Last winter this happened to my Coupe Q. A man in a large, lifter
truck back into my euro light and bumper and speed away. After a few
hours of sitting the in Sam's Club security office, we found who did
it, and through searching through sales records. We did this by
searching through the in-store video until we noticed the guy pick up
a large pack or toilet paper, and searched who bought that brand and
size of TP in the hour my car was hit. Only one club member was found
to have , and since Sam's Club is a membership required store, all his
personal info popped up with the sale. The store manager passed the
info along to the local police, and low and behold the person who
bought it also owned the same type of truck reported to hit me. The
guy claimed he thought it was a shopping cart :-\ Lesson learned.

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves to many!

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:45:06 -0500, thomas.pollock at amd.com
<thomas.pollock at amd.com> wrote:
> Hi guys...
> Want to mention a recent experience that I had never really given much
> thought till now.  On Sat I caught someone trying to break into my wives S4
> at the local BJ's. Since my wife is "almost" as anal about her car as I am
> about mine she always finds the farthest, most isolated spot. We parked in
> the boonies as usual and made our way in. Since we were looking for
> something specific that they didn't have we couldn't have been in there more
> then ten minutes. When we were walking back across the parking lot I
> noticed that some bozo in a box-like truck had parked right in the spot
> adjacent to her car but it looked like it was right against the car. I
> instantly started freakin, thinking it was just some a$$hole who wasn't
> thinking. I saw someone in  the driver seat so I picked up my pace. As soon
> as the guy saw me steaming towards him, three year old in hand, he
> immediately drove away but what I didn't realize since the truck was
> completely blocking the view to my wives car was that there was another car
> on the other side of her car. This car also appeared to be almost resting
> against the side of her car. Still not putting two and two together I'm
> thinking they just happened to park "REALLY" close. When I noticed there
> were two people in the car I start flying so I can give them a piece of my
> mind.  I notice the passenger open his window and starts reaching for the
> wives window (the car is locked, the windows are up). He's got something in
> his hand !  We both start screaming, they see us coming and act like nothing
> and slowly start driving off. Since there is only one way in and out of this
> particular lot we jump in the car and wait for the guy at the exit. He sees
> us and decides he's going to try to blend in with the crowd and parks in a
> spot amoung a bunch of other cars.  Sooo, I pull around and find him in his
> spot. Two people all scrunched down and they see me blocking them in from
> behind. I mouth to the one guy, "I got your plate" and we go make a phone
> call to the local PD.
> Ok, so we give the story to the cops and they say since they hadn't actually
> done anything "yet" there's nothing we can do but the cops also claim that
> parking in the boonies is the worst possible place to park for various
> reasons, one of them being break ins...
> We were extreemely lucky. There was NOTHING except your average cell phone
> in the car so I'm not sure what they wanted. I dont think the truck was big
> enough to load up the whole car.
> So, I've been parking in extreeme corners of lots for years. Guess I need to
> change my behaviour but now where to park ?
> tom.
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