[s-cars] Multi Function Temp Sensor or Thermostat?

Brian Powell powellb at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 22:59:12 EST 2004

Well, the first mark is 60C, then, the next labelled mark is straight
up at 130C I think (I am going from memory). In between is an unmarked
tick which is normal operating temp, 100C. You should be at or above
that mark after a few minutes of driving. Under hard driving in 100+F
ambient, it can get up towards vertical (though, I've personally never
seen one get vertical).

If you oil temps are not getting much above 60C, that is not a good
thing. It sounds like your thermostat is stuck open. It is cheap and
easy to fix. You'll need a new thermostat(should come with a seal) and
some coolant. I find it easier to remove the intake boot, then, use
some "wobbly" extensions with a 10mm socket to remove the two screws
in the thermostat housing. Pull it back--coolant will pour out
everywhere (you could drain the radiator first if you like). Get
something to pry out the old thermostat (they stick in there nicely).
Put the new thermostat in the same orientation as the old one (brass
strip should be vertical), put the thermostat housing back on (IIRC,
12 ft-lbs torque--anyone?) and refill the coolant. I like to make sure
the coolant is properly filled, so, I remove the bleeder valve from
behind the firewall (under the plastic cover) and fill the expansion
tank. It will slowly cylce into the whole system with gravity (it
takes about 10-20 minutes) and once it starts coming out of the
bleeder valve, close up the valve, top off the expansion tank to the
mark, and you are done.

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 22:40:16 -0500, Rich Beebe <rich at beebecomm.com> wrote:
> brian et al,
> i noticed my water temps staying very low today (around the 2nd thin
> mark), until i stopped at a red light (about 8 miles from the house),
> at which point it rose to roughly to the first thick mark, iirc. what
> you mentioned below about oil temps is what has me thinking, though.
> my oil temp gauge never moves from the far left of the gauge. i
> noticed this upon buying the car and was told that they all read
> low and it's normal. 2 questions - where 'should' my oil gauge 'read'
> and could i have a similar thermostat problem? tia.
> rich <-- feeling bad for asking so many questions, but i'm new to audis.
> From: Brian Powell <powellb at gmail.com>
> > The easiest way to check is to see what your oil temps are doing. If
> > the thermostat is stuck open, it will be hard for the oil to get to
> > operating temp. If your oil is at or past the thick mark and the
> > coolant temp reads quite low, then it is the MFTS. If the oil temp
> > isn't getting up to operating temp, then it is definitely your
> > thermostat.
> >
> > The thermostat is pretty easy to do on this car. Just makes a mess... :)


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