[s-cars] '92 S4 - hunting for a few parts! (Relay, trim, & washer resevoir)

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at att.net
Wed Dec 22 16:37:26 EST 2004

> A few months back I swapped out all my '92 Elm wood trim for some nice
> '93 Carbon fiber. I gave all my elm, minus the climate control
> surround,  to Mark Strangways <strangconst at rogers.com> at the '04 S
> Fest. He needed a few pieces replaced, not sure which one, so he might
> have a spare from me to him to you. Just shoot him an e-mail.

I believe Karen is referring to the exterior rub strip, not the interior
door panel wood trim pieces.  If those were swelling up, corroding, and
popping off then Karen has much bigger problems.


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