[s-cars] RE: WAS Paul F. is in town NOW NASA Bob

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Feb 11 13:13:32 EST 2004

Tom Green'ed:

<<Oh, the antigravity thing ?  Well, maybe that theory needed a little 
fine tuning or trip to the NASA g-force simulator.
I can see a mandated change of venue coming for this NE gathering. :-)

Tom,  of the clueless>>>


Antigravity thing?  Huh?  

Well, I didn't get to go to the NASA g-force simulator, but, heh, funny
"list story"...  I DID meet up with Rossato working @ Kennedy Space Center
whilst in FL last week.  Telling my extended family we were going to meet a
some guy @ KSC that I met on the internet from a car group was sorta funny.
Gots to love da list!  

That bastage...  "Commander Bob" got to sit in yup the Commander's seat on
one of the f'n Orbiters...  nice. 

-Paul getting to meet all sorts of interesting people, Bob R. or Paul F. who
cares K.

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