[s-cars] AM reception Q on Gamma

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Feb 13 07:52:17 EST 2004

<YAWN> boring subject, oh well:  I know the archives had this well covered
but they're yadayadayada...  and when it was being solved publicly I didn't
listen cause I neverever AM it myself...  but...  now a bud w/ a '96 A6
(with presumably the same Gamma radio right?) complains to me about the
crappy AM reception.

Er, what was that there fixer again gents?  I tried the foil cap atop my
head but all that tuned in were the voices that tell me to burn things...


-Paul rockin not AM'n K.

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