[s-cars] RE: New Group (Re: Born Slippy)

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Fri Feb 13 10:57:23 EST 2004

Hey the Chgo chapter appears to be growing.  Nice!
I'd have to say the Qship would have to be Capone though;)
I'm located in the NW suburbs.
Bill m  -voting to ban all posts originating west of California or
Hawaii in particular.. !

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Powell [mailto:brian at atomicham.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 9:42 PM
To: s-car-list at www.audifans.com
Cc: Bill Mahoney; mirko.il at sbcglobal.net
Subject: New Group (Re: Born Slippy)

> Hey Chris ,
> Where do you live in Chicago? I'm there too,maybe we could meet 
> somewhere.What kind of chip are you running?

Uh oh, if these Chicago people start connecting, Mahoney may be getting 
a posse together soon.  He'll want to be known as Capone-y.

Faithfully in the CO-mafia,

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