[s-cars] lug bolt inquiry...

Varon H. Fugman vfugman at globaldialog.com
Sat Feb 14 00:37:46 EST 2004

I had to order the correct length conical seat bolts from my wheel
manufacturer (TSW).  $25 for the whole set of 20 (can't buy 4 Audi bolts for
that price!)

When I bought the car, the TSW wheels were installed with the OEM bolts...
there were only about 2 threads on each bolt holding the wheels on.  My
mechanic freaked out when he pulled the wheels to work on the rear brakes...
and so did I when he told me... I'd just been doing a lot of
high-lateral-G-force turns!

'95 S6 now with correct wheel bolts

P.S. IMPORTANT: Make sure you keep 5 of the OEM bolts with you in the
toolbag in case you need to use the spare tire!

P.P.S. My TSW bolts take a 19mm wrench (which they nicley sent me) as
opposed to the OEM bolts which take a 17mm.  So I also pack appropriate
wrenches along.

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