[s-cars] RE: Steamboat Joe

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Tue Feb 17 14:25:54 EST 2004

Steamboat Joe... is that sorta like Steamboat Mickey?  

<<<> "I spend the better part of a grand trying to get clothes > warm enough
to sustain the mountain cold without frostbite.">>> 

<<<Mike You're right of course, but it just gave me a mind picture flash
back to Paulie Walnuts and Christopher wondering lost through the winter
woods in their 'cool'leather jackets. At S fest he was aka 'Cityboy' as he
wound up sleeping INside the scammed A6 he drove up;) Bill m -Member,
Pizzonutz Fanclub>>>

Heh, and that was AUGUST.  Citiboy had never seen a tent for that matter.
"Whut's datt?"
This being Pizzo I'm not at all shocked...  The Pizzo who shows up to hang
outside on a CHILLY fall CT night in the teens... in a WIFE BEATER.  Guess
the pitstains in his normal t-shirt woulda been too much.  "Jackut, who
needs a jackut?"  I recall him Italianizing...  seems Steamboat got the best
of him, maybe he'll finally learn?  Na...

-Paul still wundrin WHERE Joe sourced a size XxxxxL helmet for that GIANT
HEAD, with large chin extension, K.
P.S.  I just sent an email to a bunch off list about ice racing in VT in the
next week or 2, email me if you're interested.

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