[s-cars] The Monster S-car survey is coming! (Soon)

DBest danberar at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 18 00:35:27 EST 2004

Does Audi of America have any idea of the
fanatical following this model has? Or
even the allegiance bestowed upon the entire
VAG line (how many of us started with Mk1/MkII VWs??)
Yet, they still find ways to screw up, or is
that just a function of the ignorance of
some dealers?


Good work Dave!

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Dave Forgie
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:55 PM
To: s-cars
Subject: [s-cars] The Monster S-car survey is coming! (Soon)

Its being beta-tested by a few un-named members as we speak. It's got
tonnes of questions and the beta testing is to  check for minor mistakes
and/or missed questions. Gabriel Caldwell has done a fantastic job of
coding the  questions and has set it up so that at the end of the survey
period (maybe 10 days or so), the results will be available as an Excel
file with one car per line that you can then sort to your hearts

 Just a warning, to complete the survey (coming in the next few days)
you will need to have your car's build  date, VIN number and your
records (bills) handy. The latter is to add in the mileage of when
things broke or  were changed.

 So please be patient, it will be worth it.

Dave F.

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