[s-cars] RE: Questions from a new guy

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Feb 20 13:59:16 EST 2004

Jon Boutlinghouse introduced himself:

<<<Seems as though everyone knows 
each other on here pretty well, so I'll just introduce myself before I get 
to the questions.  First off, i'm 22 years old and go to Texas A&M 
University.  Yes that's right, 22.  All you old'ns are probably thinking, 
why does this punk kid own a urS6.>>>

Wow, preemptive defensiveness.  Ah, no age worries here Jon...  heck, we've
all acclimated quite well to the Pizzo's, "BOB DG's", etc here...  just
don't go flipping any ///M Roadsters and braggin' about it and you'll be
rather welcome here.  Great bunch as I'm sure you've seen so far, the
greater the age range present the better the variety of perspectives shared.

This comment SLAYS me, my friend:

<<<I am broke and have no time>>>

You've had the car a year.  Have you had your parent's 2nd mortgage their
house to cover your repairs yet?  If not, that means the loooooooooong list
of 'will fail' items is but a breath away.  This said, I'd put whatever $ I
could scrounge up and focus on ensuring the car stays running as it is
(refer to that list of likely failure items someone maintains somewhere).  

Chip, suspension, brakes all transform the car to a different car, a car
capable of being driven at much much different levels.  Then it's just a
matter of time for all them gremlins to go OJ on you...

Don't mean to be a doomsayer, just a former college kid who, like you and
most here, always played with cars... the $ way.  As you've likely read,
modding is a steep and slippery slope, aided kindly by an obligatory swift
push over the edge by other list members.

If you're nutty enough to disregard the inevitable failure items, or
fortunate enough to somehow dodge them, MLP, Dave, etc.'s advice is pretty
spot-on regarding methodology.

YMMV, good luck, enjoy it regardless.

-Paul speaking more intelligibly than he himself acts K.
'95 //S6 modded, then broken, then fixed, repeat, over and over and over and
over and over yes it's worth it

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