[s-cars] FMIC Alternatives - ROT thoughts

steve powers steve at thepowers.net
Wed Feb 25 12:46:24 EST 2004


Let's just say I've seen it done on a car which is, for
the sake of argument, identically tuned to my vehicle. I've
seen the IC temps on this vehicle and they're much better
than mine. Both cars have same SW, same turbos, same cams,
same IC temp gauges, etc., etc.

Could a single IC work better? Sure? Maybe?

Would it cost more? you bet! Plus, it requires modifying too
much of the car IMHO. I'm not out to build a race car, just
a sleeper. (though that's arguable with my 3-piece wheels, BR
brakes and Stromung exhaust)

Do I worry about the pressure drops? Only if it means I can't
get the manifold boost I want at temperatures which are
acceptable. When you consider that I can get 30 PSI at the ECU
with my turbo - it's not really a problem. 

I've got Corky's book. Nice information. I don't believe all of it
as gospel.

Your religion may vary. <g>

Steve Powers

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