[s-cars] An interesting FMIC "fact" (?)

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Fri Feb 27 12:27:03 EST 2004

I "think" if you guys spent your dollars on 4 probes, you could easily 
compile and data log and create the obvious difference between want and need.  I 
dare say, what you CO boys do may prove different than what us sea level guys do. 
 I say also, this isn't an automatic no brainer.  In my shop I personally 
enjoy billing for "wants".  I'd rather see the need or at least the reasoning for 
the want.

Get the data, and ride the coat-tails of real world results.  If you guys 
really *wanted* some of this stuff, it is already available.  Hence my argument 
is that most of you want something that maximizes your dollar spent.  2 davtron 
probes and dual autometer pressure guages.  That's the start.   Thinking 
you'd be happy?  I'm anal on my own cars when I look at spending 100USD/HP.  I 
certainly think if your "goal" is 8% cody, you could very well be happy looking 

Just a thought.  What if it's true?  Who knows....

In a message dated 2/27/2004 11:19:07 AM Central Standard Time, 
cpayne at bconnected.com writes:
I think we can analyze the "need" all day....but if I get 25 HP and my
intake temps at the TB are 2-4 deg; from ambient and I get 500-600
decrease in Boost Threshold...I think I would be pretty happy.

Just my 2 pesos


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