[s-cars] An interesting FMIC "fact" (?)
Lewis, Gary M
gary.m.lewis2 at boeing.com
Fri Feb 27 20:27:00 EST 2004
To my knowledge I am running the most advanced KKK K26 in the world that is outside of a full race program, i.e., commonly available to Joe-Schmuck-Off-The-Street(that would be me). The compressor wheel and housing are currently being used in some Porsche racing programs (and NOT the RS2). Cody has the same turbo. I have been told that the next step for me is either a bigger turbo (like a hybrid e,g, Garrett, or bigger KKK with custom spec compressor wheel), or, for example, have a titanium turbine wheel, shaft, and compressor made to fit what I currently have, which is SERIOUS money. In other words, the argument that Cody and I need a better turbo is specious given what we have (well, Hap does make fun of it, but, He's Hap, He can. MLP could, but he doesn't). Bigger maybe, but not better.
I do agree that the 4 sensor approach is correct, awesome data, but it isn't necessarily the most practical given all the data that exist WRT URS4/6 IC. Eventually needs to be done, Hap probably should if he hasn't. Some positives, with just 2 sensors aft of the turbo compressor, you can tell the approx turbo efficiency by boost psi, turbo-out air-temp, ambient and altitude. I'm not going to do the final two (well one really) aft of the IC right now until I install the IC since I already have the IC, happy with the idea of 25 hp, and I want to spend the additional money on other stuff instead of 2 more sensors. Also easier to install the temp probe into aluminum pipe...
In terms of currently published data, the stock IC efficiency is easily reverse-engineered:
1. A comparable Spearco IC Flow-Chart for - The Stock IC, and the IC I have, which is more efficient than the one Amoroso used.
2. The increase in flow that nets 25hp and 400rpm reduction in max boost achieved.
Doing the above nets me:
a comparable IC to ours has ~ 4psi pressure loss at 24 psi, efficiency is less than 50%. What 50% means is that if ambient is 70F, RS2 turbo exit temps at 28 psi and 60% efficiency, the exit temps are 381F. (381F-70F) * (1-.5) + 70f = 225.5F
Contrast that with a properly sized FMIC. Pressure drop is less than 1/2 psi. Efficiency is over .8 (80%!!!!) at 20 mph. So an RS2 turbo at say 25 psi (1 psi over requested of 24 psi) is at 72% efficiency, exit temps are 309F. (309F-70F)* (1-.8) + 70F = 132.8F. It is almost HALF as cool as stock. Also, making 25 psi happens A LOT earlier than 28 psi, so pressure drops also create more power thru lower rpm torque.
You stated that the stock IC is very efficient. I agree, at 15 psi on a 2.2liter motor it is wonderfully efficient. I hate the placement, but that is another discussion. At 24 psi, it is a whole completely different ball game. No IC in the world I know of can be perfectly sized at one boost level, and still be perfectly sized when increasing the boost 63%( yikes !!!!!!!!!!!). Spearco states that the efficiency ON ALL IC's drops at least 30% from 10 psi to 20 psi. That's a large drop. The last 4 psi, now really HOT, probably add another 20%. In other words, the 50% efficiency I used above was generous.
Gary Lewis
1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold, RS2 Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold side (Audi Works '999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom Innovative Turbo compressor wheel), TurboXS Type 25 Bypass Valve, Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds, Spec II Clutch.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: QSHIPQ at aol.com [mailto:QSHIPQ at aol.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 9:07 AM
> To: cpayne at bconnected.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] An interesting FMIC "fact" (?)
> You guys are guessing on the turbos to date. I'd focus
> there, create the
> demand for a better IC. That's much easier to justify than
> 'want' in terms of
> dollars spent. Who has 4 probes installed? Right now
> without question *that*
> is the first step for most of y'all feeling less than Hapersized.
> SJ
> In a message dated 2/27/2004 11:04:46 AM Central Standard Time,
> cpayne at bconnected.com writes:
> Oh I wouldn't say that it is the cheapest HP...but heck once
> you are fully RS2'ed or beyond..it is the next step IMHO.
> This assumes that you have done all the other goodies like
> suspension, brakes, etc.
> IF you want 400+ HP I don't think you are going to be able
> to do it w/o some larger/better flowing IC.
> cp
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