[s-cars] Cheap pagids

Keith Maddock keith-list at maddock.uzipp.com
Sun Feb 29 12:47:40 EST 2004

UrS-heads with Porsche calipers who like Pagid pads:

Check here: www.Rennstore.com  for what seems to be quite cheap prices for 
Pagid pads..

Not a customer of them or Pagid, not affiliated with them or Pagid, just 
wanted to pass on a possible $$ saving opportunity!

Also with a discount on 4+ sets of pads, possible he could be approached 
for a GP should someone want to get ambitious.


keith at maddock.com    http://keith.maddock.com/

93 S4 (mit RS2 + BR upgrades) Portland OR
95 968CS (Ring Tool + Daily Driver) Koblenz, DE
1/8 89 GTI  16V (Spare Ring Toy)  Nürburg, DE 

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