[s-cars] O Audi Gods Part III (take 2)

NDoshi at aol.com NDoshi at aol.com
Sun Jan 4 18:39:22 EST 2004

Sorry for the premature send,

So I connect the Red wire to 12v and the Brown to ground, Then I connect the 
Yellow wire to 12v and bingo, the light comes on. I put a voltmeter on the 
black terminal referenced to ground it has about .8 volts on it when the lights 
are on and if you turn the lights on and off very quickly, you can get the unit 
in a mode where the light will not ignite with the yellow wire energized. At 
this point, there is 12 volts on the black wire. This leads me to believe that 
the black wire is a reset of some sort.
It seems to work fine without the black wire connected but I want to be 
totally sure.
Anyone have a Euro Bentley out there?

Thanks for all the help so far.



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