[Fwd: Re: [s-cars] 2002 S6 Avant AutoBox]

Andrew Beckert abeckert at nc.rr.com
Mon Jan 5 23:30:34 EST 2004

Owning an 01 2.7t A6 with tip, I am familiar with your problem.  I have 
been able to virtually eliminate it by doing the 00032 recode, 
installing a giac tip chip, and using a DJ tiptronic ecu.  I'm not sure 
if the 4.2 uses the same tiptronic ECU's, but in the 2.7t the DJ box is 
by FAR the best tiptronic ecu in terms of minimal lag and no downshift 
clunkiness.  I can't remember where, but there is an online petition for 
class action suit regarding these transmission issues, as they are 
present from the drive off the showroom floor and not induced by any 
kind of driving shenanigans or tomfoolery.  I do have backup, unchipped 
DJ box if you determine it would work in your car, I could loan it to 
you for testing.

Andrew Beckert

tony warning wrote:

> Dear Fellow Audi Fans,
>    I recently purchased a 2002 S6 Avant and I hate the Auto 
> transmission.  This is the first S I have owned with an automatic.  I 
> have had to my dealer for its 36,000 mile service and they tried to 
> reset the computer but found nothing wrong.    The problem with the 
> car is that it can't seem to figure out which gear it should be in 
> when accelerating from a dead stop. The car starts out rather slowly 
> and nothing seems to happen until the more throttle is given and then 
> look out! My wife won't ride with me anymore and my 15 year old son 
> thinks it way cool.  In the "s" spot on the selector it seems to be a 
> bit better and using the Tiptronic shifter is a joke.  I feel like I 
> am sixteen again driving my mom's '63 T-Bird pretending it had a 4 
> Speed.  I want a manual box but know that is impossible.  In the 
> meantime does anyone have any suggestions to make this stupid autobox 
> perform.
> Thanks,
> Tony Warning
> tonywdw at maplenet.net
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