[s-cars] Alternator Problems(removing)

Peter peter_schoettle at shaw.ca
Thu Jan 8 17:21:12 EST 2004

Rob, I live in Canada. It's just not worth the shipping/duty costs to get it here from the U.S. Thanks for the link anyway.

Can anyone provide advice on removing the alternator. It looks like I will need to disconnect the two lines going to the Power steering pump just to have enough room to wiggle it out. If anybody has replaced one, can you let me know what hoses etc had to be disconnected. If I need to remove the power steering lines, Is there anything I need to know other than replacing the lost P.S. fluid.

Any help would be appreciated.


Peter S.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Myers 
  To: Peter 
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 11:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [s-cars] Alternator Problems

  I dunno, but why not contact Avi Meron <avim at pacbell.net> and see what he can do for you.  Take a look at ultranator.com.

  At 11:22 AM 1/8/2004 -0800, you wrote:


    I don't post here very often but I need some help please.

    I recently had to replace my voltage regulator because of battery light
    issues. The brushes where worm quite bad. I had to do a second replacement
    several weeks later because one of the brushes on the new voltage reg.
    brock. I assumed I installed it incorrectly and did not have the brushes
    riding the rollers properly. The brushes where also grooved badly.

    I replaced the Voltage reg again making my best attempt to install this
    thing correctly. Now I have the same problem again. Is it possible the
    rollers on the alternator are worn to much and it simply needs replacement?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Peter S.

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