[s-cars] Help with RR caliper install?

Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net
Sat Jan 10 23:02:56 EST 2004


Responses below, I'm around this weekend if you want to give me a call.

> Here are my problems:
> 1.  I didn't fill the caliper with brake fluid (Pentosin DOT 4) first
> because I knew I was going to use my MitiVac to bleed it.   So far I
> haven't quite filled the little "cup" that comes with the 
> MitiVac.  I am still getting bubbles.  When will I know for 
> sure when I have a) filled the caliper and b) I have all the 
> air bubbles out (the brake line connection seems to be higher 
> than the bleeder screw)?

You don't have to pre-fill the caliper if you are going to pressure
bleed it, even using the manual pumping of the brakes method should
work. You will probably need to draw / push at least 300 cc of fluid

> 2.  I am not sure if the ebrake cable is f*'d or not so, at 
> this point, I have not connected it to the caliper.  I am 
> paranoid about the e-cable causing the "new" caliper to stick 
> "on" again.  I guess I don't know how mch effort a push/pull 
> it takes with good cable (i.e. I have no reference to judge 
> whether by cable is normal or screwed).  Should I connect it 
> and hope for the best or just leave it off for now? (I know 
> this means that I won't have emergency brake on the right 
> side AND I will have to adjust the RR brake by hand until the 
> cable is replaced.

I would connect it and test it out by engaging it and releasing it and
see if the cam returns to the stop. The cable should run freely within
the plastic sheath.

> 3.  Because I don't have the ebrake cable hooked up, I have 
> been moving the piston out to its running position by 
> cranking the ebrake cam by hand (okay, with a screw driver). 
> At this point, the pads seem to be touching the caliper but I 
> can still turn the rotor relatively easily. It seems like 
> this is where I should quit (I don't want to over "tighten" 
> the pads onto the rotor - I won't have gained anything.) Any BTDTs?

I thought it was self adjusting. All that I've done before is pump the
brake pedal until the piston sets itself in the correct position, then I
adjusted the e-brake cable if required.

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