[s-cars] High pressure hydraulic line

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Sun Jan 11 20:00:20 EST 2004

In a message dated 1/11/2004 3:04:09 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
chadaclark4 at msn.com writes:
On a side note, and I'm interested at what others are experiencing, I still
have a brake light that stays on for 30-45 seconds in the morning. The bomb
is 2.5 years old, I get 35 pumps from it, the system has been flushed twice
since new bomb, my reservoir is full and still the annoying light. Hmmmm....
I for one was glad to see your post. My car does the same thing, and although 
I haven't replaced the parts you have, I'm glad I haven't thrown money at it 
yet, seeing it didn't take care of your problem.
I would appreciate being included on any non-list posts and info.

"Good judgment is a result of experience, which is often the result of poor 

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