[s-cars] RE: RR caliper installed!!

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 11 21:49:24 EST 2004


Congrats on a successful install!

I checked with the local CTC today regarding the rear calipers. Although
they show "discontinued" on the store computer, they do show up on the
warehouse screen. The counter guy says that means the store will no longer
stock them but they can be special ordered. As you said, the price is now
$122 with a $90 core charge.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Forgie [mailto:forgied at direct.ca]
Sent: January 11, 2004 5:40 PM
To: Fred Munro; Sean Douglas; A Ma; s-cars
Subject: RR caliper installed!!

Thnaks to your help, I finally finished the RR caliper install.  I did hook
the ebrake but I didn't try it to see if it returns properly.  The $24
retraction"tool" I bought does not work very well (its just a flat
"socket") -
so until I rectify that situation I don't want to try the ebrake and end up
the pads locked to the rotor.

I cooked breakfast this morning for my wife (gee, she didn't even say
about the dark "brown" onions in the fritata) so it was pretty easy to get
to help the brake bleeding.  (Actually I found that I had a one-person
kit (ball valve at the submerged end of the hose and was about to use it
when my
wife wondered out to the garage).

While I was out there and dirty, I took 10 minutes and checked my spark
for tightness. They were fine (none were loose - all at 22 lb ft (okay 25)).
cleaned up a bit and took the car for a spin (Hey, I actually have more
now (Duh!)). Both rear brakes were the same (cool) temp  when I got home (I
the brakes minimally in order to check for drag).

Oh, yeah, I found out the last monkey lad to work on the ebrake cable put
cable boot on tail to head instead of head to tail.  This left the cable
exposed. This may have had something to do with the problem.

Dave F.

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