[s-cars] Hydraulic Pump Leaking...

Richard Tanimura richard at tanimuras.com
Thu Jan 15 01:43:53 EST 2004


I suggest getting the pump out of the car. It is one of the easier things to
get to - at least on my 3B - I should add. The other reason is that there
are plugs on the bottom as well that you may want to R&R while in there.

Don't forget to prime the pump when it goes back on.



I have sprung a leak! The "X" plug is leaking on my pump, not a big leak,

I have been reading that the plugs can be replaced, do I have to rebuild the
whole pump or can I just replace the "X" plug? Will that compromise the rest
of the pump?

Also, can I do it from the top, no pump removal?

Going to look for more info now...

Rob Eagleye
1993 S4

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