[s-cars] Flames, good or bad?

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Thu Jan 15 18:05:22 EST 2004

Apologies for the earlier tongue in cheek post about playing with Hap's
mind, but on a more serious note, who's been following you and for how long
have they been observing this phenomenon?

I don't *think* I've been experiencing tail pipe flames, but then again it's
not a part of the car I can observe very well, particularly at 7,000 rpm,
it's not usually where my attention or eyes are directed.  I guess I'd have
heard a back fire - I haven't.  And I suppose if I had, I might have been
paying more attention to possible flames out the tail pipe.  Are we talking
a burst of flame out the back that's visible by you from the pilots seat?

AFAIK Elijah this is a new one for me.  Any other FMIC users out there seen,
felt, or experienced the same?  Is this on your, or your wife's car?  I
would think, if anything, you should have a cooler, denser air charge now at
your intake manifold.  Unless this is totally X***ing up your intake air
temp sensor in the manifold, you should have more air, not less so if
anything, I would guess lean vs. rich.  Are you sure all your intake valves
are seating etc.?  How about your cam timing?  Are you dead nuts sure
something isn't off a sprocket or two?

I think a steady diet of this kind of problem would well warrant having the
car taken in for a leak down and compression test to try to eliminate either
a bad valve not sealing off an unburnt gas compression stroke, or the cam
being off somehow.  Unless of course you get a Greek chorus of "Don't worry,
we've got flames coming out of our tailpipes" from all the other FMIC users
on the net.

This just doesn't sound like a good thing to me, Dahlback not.


~-----Original Message-----
~From: s-car On Behalf Of
~Elijahallen92 at aol.com

~ Ever since my FMIC install at WOT shifting at 7000rpm I get a
~backfire/flame. It used to do it sometimes between 1st and 2nd and
~once in a while between
~2nd and 3rd but now it is after every shift almost every time. Is
~this caused
~from running to rich? Why would the FMIC make it do it more? Any idea's?

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