[s-cars] Starter Not Engaging?

Dean Ferrera dino at PressOut.org
Sun Jan 18 23:43:25 EST 2004



I have a '95 S6 on which I just finished installing a DSY 6-spd with an
Al Flywheel (from Northern European).  When I crank the engine over, it
sounds like the starter spins freely.  I just removed the starter to
take a look at it and it's hard to tell but I think the teeth are lined
up correctly.




1.  I'm here by myself, so I can't see or test the starter to see if the
solenoid is engaging.  Is this a common starter failure?  Anything I can


2.  Is there a possibility that the starter is not lined up correctly
and cannot engage the flywheel?


3.       On what looks like a relay on the starter there are a few
connections:  One for positive which I think I have right with two large
wires connected.  Negative looks like it's wired to the starter body.
And there are two other connections with one wire connected.  Here I'm
not 100% sure which pin the wire gets connected to.  I can't find
anything in the Bentley other then the section on removing the engine
where it mentions the starter only to say "remove starter" and points to
a few bolts in the unbelievably simplified picture. 


Any suggestions?




Dean Ferrera

dino at s-cars.org

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