[s-cars] RE: diffs, donuts, and Johnny Law

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Tue Jan 20 13:49:39 EST 2004

Mark S. pondered, and was waaaaaaaaay to good to pass up commentary:

<<<BTW, I have gotten it down to such an art that I can almost pivot the car
the front / middle with all 4 wheels spinning...
Then a cop comes by :-)>>>

C'mon now, that would neverever happen.  Unless maybe you were in NH.  And
your name was, oh, let's keep this anonymous...  Ray T...  or was that R.
Tomlinson?  Dunno.  I hear jury trials are fun though.  Be sure your EDL is
working so that you get there on time now...

-P keep serving them up, this is too easy, and sorry to 'someone' 8-) K.

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