[s-cars] RE: coolant loss

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Tue Jan 20 15:33:40 EST 2004

Riff cooled:

Message: 8
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 14:42:20 -0500
From: <riff944 at cox.net>
Subject: [s-cars] Quick coolant question....

Using this invaluable list and the on board codes from the HVAC controller
(thanks Vincent!), I have found out that my t-stat has crapped out.  Car did
not get over 6.5C during a 15 min drive to work!  No wonder I have been
getting crappy gas mileage while babying the throttle.

How much coolant should I drain before changing the t-stat???  I'd rather
not do an entire flush and fill if it is not needed?  I think I will try to
tackle this one tonight in my freezing garage....


95 //S6 running cold....


My technical answer is 'some', and I'm sticking to it.  Dunno, it was more
than a little though.  Like have a fresh bottle of G11 laying around and be
ready to use a good amount of it.  Maybe start by draining say 1/2 gallon
and then try cracking the hose off the tstat housing and see if it splurges.
Repeat if necessary.  Oh, haven't heard anyone mention letting the system
'burp' when done, I didn't enough when I did my radiator and it kept purging
air (well, air purged COOLANT, $ coolant at that) out a few paths of least

You're welcome to drive the hour west and do it here with my 55,000 BTU kero
rocketed garage (good fume buzz)...  join me in fixing the flat I had this
a.m.(???) that I tried to change in my suit before work but f'n cracked the
cheapo Craftsman 17MM 3/4" socket in half...  and yes I torque my wheels to
80 ft/lb.  D'oh, for me.  "Honey, I'm taking the ML"...  d'oh for her.

WRT gas mileage, I'm wondering if I have something other than LWFWitis going
on, I'm seeing like 14.9 per tank lately, down from 16.9 or so.  (LWFWitis
is the propensity to hammer on the car's newfound windability, repeatedly).
New O2 etc. / everything, runs amazing, so dunno really.  I *do* have a good
unburnt fuel smell out da pipes at cold start, I attributed that to the f'n
COLD we have here tho.  BTW, what is 'babying the throttle'? 8-)

-P never working on a car in the cold everever again why should you K.
CT temptingly close

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