[s-cars] RE: //S Fest '04 new theme!

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Jan 21 10:45:10 EST 2004

Kirby Manifesto'ed:

Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 08:58:35 -0500
From: Kirby Smith <kirby.a.smith at verizon.net>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] RE:  diffs, donuts, and Johnny Law

"Live free or die, death is not the worst of evils" was written by Gen,
John Stark of NH at the end of a letter he sent to a reunion of
Revolutionary War veterans some years after the war.  At the time he was
too ill to attend the reunion.

While obnoxious to various philosophies of slavery, e.g., communism, the
concept expressed by Gen. Stark should be understood as an expression of
the importance of liberty, in the sense it was understood in the late
Eighteenth century.

New Hampshire's problem is not its motto.  NH's problem is the same as
exists on the Federal level -- creeping totalitarianism that derives
from nannies wanting to control people for their own good, and to
reallocate teh people's wealth for their own good.  It is abetted by the
desire of the Judicial branches to branch out into legislating, instead
of just adjudicating.

Thus we have, for example, a Federal Government whose structures and
activities are in great part contrary to the Constitution of the United
States.  If we were still a Constitutional Republic, there would have to
be many Constitutional Amendments to bring the Government into
compliance.  And if the NH Judiciary spent its time making NH laws self
consistent and compliant with the State and Federal Constitutions, they
wouldn't have time to legislate.  Spare time could be spent reducing the
Court's backlog.


Ah, and so it is done then...  NE //S Fest '04 will not feature any cars.
Instead, it will feature a soapbox for Members of the Revolutionist
Syndicate to bestow their radical and righteous views from upon...  SWEET!
And, it won't be in CT again, but at a lone cabin in the backwoods of

8-) Kirby!

-Ted Kazcinski
no car, maybe a bike to ride my manifesto publishings to the post office on

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