[s-cars] Re: 93 urS4: no turn over, no start, no jump

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Jan 21 22:59:27 EST 2004

At 9:28 PM -0600 1/21/04, Billing, Eric wrote:
>Patient: 93 urS4 111K miles, I'm guessing with original battery (I've
>had the car for 3 years and 35K miles)
>0 degrees F outside this evening. Turn the key---absolutely nothing. No
>click, no starter engagement, certainly no start.

Was there power to anything at all?  Interior lights, door-ajar 
indicator, trip computer, etc?  What does the voltmeter show?  What 
happens to all these when you try to start?

If everything else had power and continued to do so while trying to 
start...jumping was a waste of time.

Since the solenoid didn't trip, that means the ground cable is OK 
assuming you have a good battery.  Especially if nothing switched 
off(ie from the load reduction relay)...you've got yourself a bad 
ignition switch, possibly- do you have a large/heavy keyring?

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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