[s-cars] What does an s-car weigh????

Jerry Scott jerryscott at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 23 15:00:44 EST 2004

In the world of general aviation, AOPA says that an aircraft will gain 
weight on the average of around 1 lb. per year, from the date that it 
was built.  This is due in most part to wiring changes that are not 
removed for various radio and electronic changes and due to accumulation 
of dust in the air frame.  I would guess that some of the changes that 
are being made to the older s-cars would add weight at a higher rate 
than this.

Theodore Chen wrote:

>--- Trevor Frank <tfrank at symyx.com> wrote:
>>Hmm, looks like your car is't heavier than mine about 10lb before I
>>replaced the seats, now about 110lb's.  Also if you had coil overs you
>>could at least attempt to get you weights better, with the driver.  I
>>got mine down to about a 50lb spread side to side on the fronts and less
>>than that for cross weighting, something silly like less than 5 in the
>>back.  The real killer is that you cannot do much about the front sway
>what about changing the front suspension?  reinforce the front subframe
>and add tabs to carry another link to the upright.  this removes the
>locating function of the antiroll bar.  then you'd have to come up with
>some way to connect an antiroll bar to the strut, spindle, or control arm.
>i thought about this while struggling to separate the spindle from the
>balljoint so i could replace the balljoint boot.  (i gave up in disgust
>after unbolting the antiroll bar and discovering that i still couldn't
>separate the spindle from the balljoint.)
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