[s-cars] re: Just took delivery of 2nd S6

manuel manuelsanchez at starpower.net
Tue Jan 27 21:26:10 EST 2004


The child safety seats go in the "back" seat, where they would in a sedan. Cops don't seem to pay to much attention to a station wagon with child seats. The extra 100 or so pounds helps the back rotate a bit better.


Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:14:59 -0500
From: <auditude at cox.net>
Subject: [s-cars] re: Just took delivery of 2nd S6
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
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That reminds me of a question I have about those types of cars.  I may have already asked it before, but don't recall what the answer was.

On the Avants, isn't the area behind the back seats a crumple zone?  It is on the sedans, right?

It just seems strange to put child seats back there.  But maybe it's not a crumple zone?


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