[s-cars] Old Audi UrS6 Avant vs. the boat ramp link or post

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Thu Jan 29 11:42:24 EST 2004

Thanks Ian.  The upstate NY boat ramp wasn't a video, just a well written,
cynical account of what a large ego, a Benjamin and a penny saved, pound
lost attitude can do for you.  I briefly tried searching the audifan.com
archives as I think I recall it was a post to the old mother list.

Hey, we may get lucky.  It's almost time for the Mahoney Friday Funnies.
Maybe he'll remember it.


~-----Original Message-----
~From: Ian Duff [mailto:iduff at rcn.com]

~http://home.comcast.net/~jdber94/TowJob.wmv. Now, anyone got the Audi and
~boat ramp one?
~-Ian Duff.

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