[s-cars] Oil Pan R&R Help Please - was Oil Pan Needed - 95.5 S6

Paul Heneghan paul at heneghan.co.uk
Sat Jan 31 20:23:54 EST 2004

Five things you could try:

Put it in sixth gear and nudge the car forwards or backwards.

If the car is up on ramps, put it in sixth, raise a rear wheel off the
ground and turn it.

If the car is on axle stands, put it on sixth, lock one wheel to prevent it
turning and turn the opposite wheel.

Take off the bumper - it's not that difficult.

If you remove the spark plugs, you should be able to turn the engine by
rotating the cam pulley


> Everything is, actually was, progressing smoothly but now I need
> to line up
> two notches in the flywheel with two notches in the fly wheel housing to
> allow access to the two most rearward oil pan bolts.  No problem I said to
> myself as I read the 1/2 page of R&R in the Bentley at bed time
> last night.
> Weeellllll, how do I turn the crankshaft per Senor Bentley?  No room as it
> is to access the crank pulley bolt with the fan in the way.  Can't get to
> the cam pulley bolt either as the belt cover gets hung up on
> something when
> I try to pull it off/out.  Please don't tell me I need to pull the bumper
> and all that crap off.

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