[s-cars] Built in phone - 93 S4

John Mertz jmertz1 at comcast.net
Thu Jul 1 14:02:51 EDT 2004

I too pulled the phone from my S6.  Storage compartment is not the greatest
but does hold some cassette tapes, a multi tool, and a couple of pens.  I
also just installed the Motorola in-car kit and wired it up to the original
phone speaker, which I had left in.  Works great.  Didn't use the original
mic as I figured the technology might have improved a bit in 9 years.  So
mounted the mic in the visor like everyone else.  Phone setup works really
well.  Mutes stereo, etc...  Installed some of this with help from listers,
so thanks again.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Scott" <jerryscott at earthlink.net>
To: "Wayne Dohnal" <wd1 at hevanet.com>; "s-car-list" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Built in phone - 93 S4

> Someone should work on a design to put an Ipod in the armrest in place
> of the phone.
> Jerry
> Wayne Dohnal wrote:
> >>I've been thinking about removing the built-in phone from my 93 S4. In
> >>three years that I've owned the car, I've never activated it, and don't
> >>myself doing so in the future. Is there any way to update the phone to
> >>modern technology? If I decide to sell the car in the future (not
> >>soon), is the value lowered because the phone is removed? What have
> >>done?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I've been enjoying the use of the armrest as a storage compartment after
> >removing the phone a couple of years ago.  It's not the world's best
> >compartment, but it does the job.
> >
> >I doubt that there is any reasonable way of updating the phone other than
> >totally replacing it.  I personally see little value in a built-in phone
> >because it's redundant with a standard cell phone and everybody has one
> >these days.  I know it's nicer with the vehicle integration, but not nice
> >enough for me to have another monthly bill.
> >
> >As the S4s depreciate, I'd imagine that more and more of their owners
> >be in the demographic category that don't want to take on another monthly
> >expense just because it's a little more convenient.  Most of those people
> >probably have cars less than a few years old.
> >
> >Wayne Dohnal
> >1994 S4
> >
> >
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