[s-cars] Could it be the GP RS2 turbos are "over" spec?

Lewis, Gary M gary.m.lewis2 at boeing.com
Thu Jul 1 18:01:08 EDT 2004

I still don't believe it.  You'd be seeing LESS psi from a more efficient turbo, not more.  Why?  Cooler air = more mass at the same PSI.  Think about it.  Fill up a basketball with 20 psi of 400F air, (hope it doesn't melt, but work with me here), wait a few hours for it to cool, and the thing will be pretty flat.  Push a turbo outside it's efficiency range, and you get hot air, like the RS2 setup with a K24 (btdt, broke turbo nicely, even after that nice man Pastore told me I would, "Drive nice, or yu' gonna break the F'n turbo")...

If the turbo is more efficient, you should see lower psi numbers, not more.  Something else is wrong Dave.

Gary Lewis

1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold, RS2 Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold side (Audi Works '999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom Innovative Turbo compressor wheel), TurboXS Type 25 Bypass Valve, Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds, Spec II Clutch.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Forgie [mailto:forgied at direct.ca] 
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 11:06 AM
To: s-cars
Subject: [s-cars] Could it be the GP RS2 turbos are "over" spec?

 Hmmm...  One lister responded to my question about the GP RS2 turbos off line and said:

"Tim McLean tells me that Dahlbach did infact modify the turbos for increased efficiency and flow, so this is not surprising to learn.  I have been seeing 24-25 psi with stock exhaust (and no pinging)....I am using Dahlbach software that Tim programmed specifically for my setup. It could be there's something in their code that 'smoothes' out this issue?"

Maybe/Probably.   If this is true, how do I get out of this situation?
The Dahlback software seemed too expensive so I passed and went elsewhere.  Re-tuned chips after some wide band O2 sensor results?  So much for saving money on a GP.  (four letter expletive deleted).

Dave F.

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